Monday, September 9, 2013

Personality and Spiritual Gifts

So we took a personality test in our Launch class. I feel the out come of my test was dead on. It stated that I was and outgoing, friendly, and accepting person. I have not always been out going, I used to be a really shy kid. But that all changed when I hit high school. Other things it stated, that I believe to be true, was that I am a person who loves to have fun while I work but gets the job done. I like to learn new things by doing them not just by hearing how to do it. And that's my personality...for the most part.  

My spiritual gifts consisted of Believing, Comforting, and Encouraging. I am all of these, you cant change my mind on what I believe. I stand strong when it comes down to my relationship with God. I cant help but comfort those who need comforting. I guess I comfort others because I know what it can be like to have no one there to comfort you when you need it. Encouraging, honestly if everyone in the world stopped encouraging people, our world would fall apart. I love encouraging people to do there best and to never give up! 

My personality fits perfectly together with my spiritual gifts. I'm a caring person who loves life and God. I have huge heart who cares for everyone. That might be my down fall, I care to much for someone to fast. I could of just meet you and I would already care a whole bunch. I want people to succeed. 

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