My dad would not let me keep my pills in my room, he kept them and gave me them when I needed to take them. To this day I think my dad still gets a little nerves with me keeping my own medicine. Every one wanted me to be better so I did what everyone wanted I got better. For a while it was real, I did get better, but then I started to that thing I do so well, happy on the outside. I still got grounded a lot but it wasn't as bad. Then I got involved in my church when I hit seventh grade. I got better, I was going to church and listening, I started feeling comfort, like I wan't alone. I got so used to fooling people that I was such a happy person, that I started falling for my own lie. But when in reality I was still so messed up on the inside. I was going to church, I was listening, I believed. But I was not letting God actually come into my life and comfort me, take care of me.
My lie finally caught up to me. I was having a rough time. I was getting good at defying my parents. I started having suicidal thoughts again. One day I snapped, I feel so bad, yet so thankful for my mom who was there when this happened. She went through me screaming that I hated her and I kept saying "God why." When I wanted my mom to just hold me she did. She just hugged me after everything I have put her through she still loved me. If your reading this your probably thinking well of course she still loves you, your her kid. But just everything I put her through, and im not talking about just this one time, she still had just as much love, if not more, for me. I guess it just really amazed me.
So this time I went and got checked out they decided I have anxiety and depression. Not something I tell people, only my family and two friends know this about me. So its a little weird letting anybody who wants to know, know. My doctor put me on medicine to help me. After the first week of taking it everyone saw a difference. This was great I was happier but I was still empty missing something. I realized then how much I needed God. I finally started to trust God, I gave him complete control of my life. At that moment I was completely free of all that pressure that was holding me down. I felt comfort, I realized how much people cared for me. My eyes were opened to a completely new world. I love going to church now, because now im learning, im listening. im believing. But most important im letting God in.
Ever since this realization I have had my ups and downs. I have still done some pretty stupid things. But God knows exactly were he want me, so sometimes I don't even know how but I always end up back on the path God has for me. Sure I sometimes take a long and non-needed detour, but God is so amazing and so forgiving that its like I never even took that detour.
One more thing, because I know my dad will see this. I just want to thank my parents for being such strong christian examples and for always being there for me. <3